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Epistemic Attunements - Regenerating Anthropology's Form by Victoria Baskin Coffey, Jennifer Deger, Caleb Kingston, Sebastian J. Lowe and Lisa Stefanoff (Curatorium Editorial Collective).


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Please cite all contributions in this hybrid issue of TAJA using the information provided with each article by the author/s in the Wiley Online library for Vol. 46, Issues 1 & 2 of the Australian Journal of Anthropology. To access these details, follow the link at the end of each article. When citing the project as a whole we suggest the following:
Coffey, V, Deger, J, Kingston, C, Lowe, S.J, and Stefanoff, L. (2024) (Eds.) Epistemic Attunements - Regenerating Anthropology's Form. Curatorium Editorial Collective in partnership with The Australian Journal of Anthropology. Available at https://curatorium.au/ [Accessed day month year].


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Reprinted from Epistemic Attunements - Regenerating Anthropology's Form. Victoria Baskin Coffey, Jennifer Deger, Caleb Kingston, Sebastian J. Lowe and Lisa Stefanoff (Eds.) (2024) in partnership with The Australian Journal of Anthropology ©2024 Curatorium Editorial Collective. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/legalcode
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